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Installing Custom Packages

Octave Online has the most popular packages pre-installed (see which ones with "pkg list").  However, if you want a package that is not listed, here is how you can install a custom package just in your own account.
  1. Download the tar.gz file for your package from Octave Forge.  For example, click the "Download Package" button on
  2. Upload the tar.gz file to Octave Online in your workspace.
  3. Run pkg install mypackage-x.y.z.tar.gz from the command prompt.  Replace "mypackage-x.y.z.tar.gz" with the file name that you downloaded from Octave Forge.  Note: If it tells you at this step that the package is missing a dependency, you may need to go install that dependency using the same procedure.
  4. Optional: Delete the file mypackage-x.y.z.tar.gz.  You won't be needing it anymore.
  5. Run pkg load mypackage to load the package.
Steps 1-4 need to be done only once.  You will need to do step 5 (running "pkg load mypackage") whenever you need to use the package on a new session.

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