Increase the default time limit
The 10 seconds for signed in users is not enough. I am working with the symbolic package, and here are some sample times. Note how elementary the computations are.
octave:110> tic, [x, y ,z]=solve(x+y+z==6, x-y+z==2, x+2*y-z==2, x, y, z), toc
x = (sym)!!! OUT OF TIME !!!
y = (sym) 2
z = (sym) 3
Elapsed time is 10.021 seconds.
octave:108> tic, [x, y ,z]=solve(x+y+z==6, x-y+z==2, x+2*y-z==2, x, y, z), toc
x = (sym) 1
y = (sym) 2
z = (sym) 3
Elapsed time is 8.73142 seconds.
octave:93> tic, [x, y ,z]=solve(x+y+z==6, x-y+z==2, x+2*y-z==2, x, y, z), toc
!!! OUT OF TIME !!!
In fact, just declaring some symbolic equations takes a lot of time:
octave:104> tic, e1=x+y+z==6, e2=x-y+z==2, e3=x+2*y-z==2, toc
e1 = (sym) x + y + z = 6
e2 = (sym) x - y + z = 2
e3 = (sym) x + 2⋅y - z = 2
Elapsed time is 8.5904 seconds.
Hi Victorel! I’m merging this ticket with the main idea ticket for “Increase Time Limit”. I posted your note as a comment on that idea ticket.
Victorel Petrovich commented
No problem, thanks