(Octave Online Webmaster, Octave Online)
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20 results found
1 vote
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1 vote
AdminShane (Octave Online Webmaster, Octave Online) shared this idea ·
14 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Merging duplicate issue "GUI manual rotation of 3d plot":
I'm new to octave. Is there a way to take a 3d plot, like the sombrero, and drag it around to see different angles? Auto rotate would also be cool.
2 votes
AdminShane (Octave Online Webmaster, Octave Online) shared this idea ·
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Click the "dismiss" button to make the bubbles go away. They should not appear again after clicking the "dismiss" button, except for the command prompt bubble, which disappears after entering a command. Note that this feature requires cookies; if you use a different browser or have cookies disabled, then you might see the bubbles again even after dismissing them.
95 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment It likely won't be possible to persist files across browser reloads if using the site as a guest. However, with the new "buckets" feature for file sharing, perhaps there could be an option to convert your guest session into a new bucket.
AdminShane (Octave Online Webmaster, Octave Online) shared this idea ·
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment The "cd" command is supported in Octave Online. Does this fill your need?
3 votes
AdminShane (Octave Online Webmaster, Octave Online) shared this idea ·
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Sometimes this can happen if you previously ran a command like "hold on". It is a feature that enables you to plot multiple lines on the same figure. To go back to single-figure mode, run "hold off" and/or "clf".
3 votes
AdminShane (Octave Online Webmaster, Octave Online) supported this idea ·
137 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Git is already available as a syncing option with Octave Online. If you clone the Git repository associated with your account, you can see a full revision history of your files.
For more details, click the "Git Sync" button in the files toolbar.
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Thanks for the suggestion! In the mean time, to install this or most custom Octave packages, you can do the following steps.
1) Download the archive file for your package; for example, bim-1.1.5.tar.gz.
2) Upload the file to your Octave Online workspace.
3) Run the command `pkg install bim-1.1.5.tar.gz` followed by `pkg load bim`. This will install the package for your account without affecting other peoples' accounts.
4) In future sessions, run simply `pkg load bim` to load the package.If you need to install any of the other dependencies, you can do so using the same steps.
25 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment If you uncheck "Render New Plots Inline" in the menu, then plots will appear in a separate plot pane rather than in the console. You can also clear the console by entering the command "clc" (this will clear all plots as well as text).
6 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Thanks for the suggestion! In the mean time, you can save the workspace variables manually by running, for example, 'save("2016-04-14.mat")', and then 'load("2016-04-14.mat")' to recover them. Having an option to save the workspace vars and history automatically, though, is a very good idea.
2 votes
AdminShane (Octave Online Webmaster, Octave Online) supported this idea ·
AdminShane (Octave Online Webmaster, Octave Online) shared this idea ·
7 votes
AdminShane (Octave Online Webmaster, Octave Online) shared this idea ·
4 votes
AdminShane (Octave Online Webmaster, Octave Online) shared this idea ·
1 vote
The “doc” function creates broken links for functions that either do not exist or are not parse of Octave core (i.e. in a package).
An error occurred while saving the comment Yeah, my implementation of the "doc" function does no check whether or not a function exists. I'll need to think about how you can determine that in code.
An error occurred while saving the comment Hi Victor,
Good catch! I've reviewed your ticket, and here are two explanations for the behavior you experienced.
TECHNICAL EXPLANATION: When I open an instance of GNUOctave from the terminal and run `doc function_name`, it pulls up a window where you can scroll, click hyperlinks, etc. Since the Octave Online version of GNUOctave is not connected to a terminal, some commands behave differently, and it seems that GNU Info is one. Dumping the entire documentation file seems to be the expected behavior if there is no terminal attached to the process.
LAYMAN EXPLANATION: The `doc` command gives the exact same documentation as the online version at While seeing a snapshot of the online documentation in your console window may be useful for terminal users, it just doesn't make sense for Octave Online, whose UI is fundamentally different.
0 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment There are a couple of ways this could be done. One is to open up the Octave shell running on the server to the internet, but this has major security considerations. Another, as Ciprian mentioned, is to have the browser serve as a proxy, but as Ciprian mentioned this might be blocked as cross-site XHR. A third option would be to configure some sort of middle-man proxy, which could balance the security concerns with the front-end usability.
AdminShane (Octave Online Webmaster, Octave Online) shared this idea ·
1 vote
I’m going to list this feature as “Under Review”. It is unlikely to happen in the near future but may be something added on down the road if there is sufficient demand.
An error occurred while saving the comment Agreed, this would be a good feature down the road, but it will require installation of the software onto the system. (At least until the day when browsers support access to peripherals, if that day ever comes.)
Thanks for the suggestion. If you have cookies enabled in your browser, and you use the same browser to access Octave Online, then you only have to dismiss the suggestion boxes one time. If you clear your cookies or use a different browser, then you get the suggestion boxes back again.