Better support for folders
Folders are supported in a minimal capacity right now: you can move a file into a folder by clicking the rename button and entering something like "example/script.m", which will create the folder "example" and move "script.m" into that folder. However, the graphical user interface is minimal; for example, there should be a way to create folders and use drag-and-drop to interact with them.
ian commented
Norman D commented
totally agreed! As of right now, I'm jumbling 4 classes, and it would be nice to organize each .m file into each of the 4 classes.
Thank you!
Eric Cochran commented
It appears that folders are supported through the CLI already, e.g. the commands pwd, movefile, and the other standard filesystem utilities work as expected.
Adding folder support to the GUI would make it even better.
Anonymous commented
It rapidly gets quite messy when creating a lot of different functions and scripts, making it hard to stay organised.
A folder hierarchy would be a great improvement over the current single-folder implementation.